Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oprah says so! And she's prime time!

Oprah says to live your best life! I'm not one to go around quoting the book of Oprah but this stuck with me and a few months ago I started asking my self if I was living my best life. I think sometimes we just need to step back and ask our self if this is what we want for our lives? We get so wrapped up in the every day that we never get time To smell the proverbial rose.
where do I wanna be in my life? Who do I wanna be? After some time and some long looking at where I was i knew that I was letting life pass me by. Now don't get me wrong I had a great job and made good money but does that make a good life? And the answer i got was no. Money is important we need it, we need it to pay the bills and put food on the table but it can't be the driving force in my life. Because as quick as the money comes..... It goes and as much BS I buy with it at the end of the day I am still with me ( just the same old me with nicer things...lol) I need to get out and see some things, I need to see places i'v never seen meet friends I'v yet to meet. Now I know this all may seem very hippy to a lot of you and as i write this I feel like it's a little 1960's too but in my heart I know there is more to life then just making a buck and going thru the motions.
with the support of my family ( mostly my brothers who I think wanna live vicariously thru me) and friends i'v decided( insert drum roll here) to leave my current position and head out on the road to see what I will find. I know this is crazy and I know a lot of you are saying WTF Michael but I know this is just the beginning of something great. I can feel it.
I have always heard that when one door closes another will open and sometimes we need to shut the door behind us to let the other open ( again I know this is all sounding kinda hippy) but I have faith in it.
Ok so let me get to the good part. I will soon be packing up my car and driving cross country to get a little taste of life out side my bubble. I will be stoping at some very cool culinary locations and cooking up some great food along the way. And i will be blogging about it and I hope you guys will be following. I will be working on my cookbook and just spending a little time finding out what I want and who I wanna be when I grow up.
Ok I gotta pack..... Ttyl

Location:My couch


  1. yayy!! im quitting my life to. thank you Mike!

  2. Dear Michael - I miss you already! I am so very happy for you seeking new adventures. You will be blessed as you continue down your path to success! I <3 U!


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