Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Chill of Fall is here

Please Leave your THANKSGIVING cooking and entertaining questions bellow in the comment box and i will address all of them here on my blog!!! because i'm nice like dat~~!!!

With fall here and the leaves changing colors and the air turning crisp and cold I have an urge to cook all my fall favorites. I started out this week by making boneless pork butt stuffed with green and black olives. Can you say yum!! I don’t know about you but nothing says fall like a roast meat dish. The olives add a tang and brine like flavor to the pork that only olives can bring to a dish. So lets discuss how to make the pork. I went to my local store and grabbed a boneless pork butt. I then made a mix of olives, garlic, lime juice, cilantro, cumin, salt, ground black pepper, crushed red pepper, ground coriander seed (I dried these out from the garden and they so yum)

15 pitted black olives

15 pitted green olives

8 cloves of garlic

½ cup of olive oil

¼ cup of fresh lime juice

½ teaspoon coriander

1`teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon salt (remember the olives have a lot of salt)

½ teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

½ bunch chopped cilantro

I first chop the garlic very fine, then the olives but I like the olives to be a bit bigger then the garlic I put them in a bowl and add the chopped cilantro and all the other ingredients. I then rub this mix all over my pork … I get in all the crevasses and then tie the butt back up into a compact little roll of pork love.

I put my oven on 360 and bake the roast covered for about 30 minutes per pound.

In the last 40 min I add a pork stock to the pan and let it reduce in the oven with the pork….. then I let my pork rest after it cooks and that my friend is how you make your butt happy!!!

The fall offers us so many other great dishes, dishes that taste so much better with the chill of fall right out side your window. Butternut squash, roast lamb, roast chicken (is it me or is roast chicken the best on a cold day?) and when your done with the chicken it’s great to use the leftovers and bones to make a killer soup! Stuffed cabbage, lasagna, any thing cooked in a tagine. These are just a few things that come to mind!!

Its almost thanksgiving so feel free to post your cooking and entertaining questions here

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