Friday, April 17, 2009

Chefs on the brain

I have sweets on the brain today. Last night the Sous Chef at the restaurant was experimenting with desserts, he put together some cool and delicious chocolate dumpling and frosted flake chocolate balls of love. I just think its funny how us "Chef" go about desserts, the first thing that comes to most of our minds is "set it on fire or fry it" thats how i think about it!!! so we spend our days frying ice cream or burning bananas. Why is it our brains are soooo different then the pastry chefs. The pastry chef is a total different breed of chef. In the last year or so i started baking at the restaurant, nothing crazy.... cheese cake, carrot cake, cookies, some pies a custard or creme brulee here and there. It was a nice change, it was relaxing. I have to be honest, it was completely forced. Cooking comes naturally too me, baking does not. Hey Hey Hey!! i can bake!!... but it hurts a little LOL. so the question is.... WHAT MAKES A PASTRIES CHEF AND A CHEF DIFFERENT. There must be some personality difference, some genetic make up? Maybe pastry chefs cook with one side of there brain and Chefs the other. Are all Pastry Chefs soft and smell like powdered sugar and Chefs crazy and loud??? HELP ME PEOPLE... WHAT DO U THINK? ohhhhhhhhh and yea there are other breeds of us like the Pastry Chef who only does occasion cakes (Weirdo!!)... the detail oriented freak, or the Chef who only does restaurant desserts, the Sushi Chef who only makes Sushi. Ok i now your probably saying... "michael its just a job, there is no predetermined genetic BS that makes you a Chef" well i think your wrong!!! One thing all use restaurant people from the prep cook to the F&B manager have in common is where all crazy. Coincidence I think not!!!

1 comment:

  1. you WISH you could make an occasion cake FREAK! haha! AHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA! I can make more money with one cake than your restaurant can generate in a week... ~pastryprince


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