Sunday, August 9, 2009


I don't know what to say... ummmm.. yea i do "I LOVE FOOD" there i said it. Im a food junky.
I dream in food! I work in food! I socialize in food! i love to shop for food. I am so attracted to everything involving food. So my question to you is.. WHY?? Where did this foodie lifestyle come from? why did i get the food bug? Some people just got it and some (very unfortunate) people don't! I spent my younger years thinking i was going to be a painter or some kind of artist. So i was kinda right. I am an artist of sorts, maybe my canvas is not a linen one. My canvas is the plate. Ya know, sometimes i think how nice it would have been to be a painter. Making art as a full time job (i paint in my free time, check out some pics on my web page) but i do make art as a full time job. I make edible art, the art i make is so much more involved with the human experience (you need it to live). I think there are some people who look at it my way in that "Foodie mentality". But again there are some that do not!! So back to my question... Why am i a foodie and are you?


  1. i am a foodie too... like a kid at Disney... food makes me one happy girl- great post...i get it :)

  2. I am a foodie, because food is my passion, it's fulfilling, it moves people.
    I like to create things that are edible, and see the reaction of people when they eat them; i am a foodie because I explore other cultures and places through food, food, or the need for it it's the most basic instinct we have as human beings.
    I love food, and I think food, at the very least kind of likes me.


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